Our Blog Branding Branding Success Story

Branding Success Story

Art Lovers Australia has grown from strength to strength. Follow their branding journey in our client success story.

Branding Success Story

First impressions last. It only takes a few seconds for someone to form a long and lasting impression about you, and it’s the same with a brand. Whether it’s landing on your website, using your product or service, scrolling through your social feed, or dealing with a customer service representative, every touch point is an opportunity to form a positive impression of your company to the user, so it’s imperative to get the fundamentals right.


What is a brand?

There are hundreds of different definitions out there on what a brand is, but here are a few we think are the best:

A brand is a person’s perception of a product, service, experience, or organization; a commercial reputation.
The Dictionary of Brand, Marty Neumeier (Liquid Agency)
The collective perceptions and impressions people have formed about an organisation, its products and/or its services, whether through direct (ads/purchase) or indirect (word-of-mouth) interactions.
The Financial Brand
Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.
Jeff Bezos (Amazon)

Essentially, your brand isn’t what you think it is, it’s what everybody else thinks it is. So to ensure people are experiencing your company in a positive light, it’s imperative you have a strong brand from the outset which helps create a solid foundation for your business to grow from.


Art Lovers Australia

It all starts with an idea. For the founders of Art Lovers Australia, Nancy and Jarrod, they wanted to create an online marketplace for artists and art lovers to buy and sell art. They also wanted their branding and website design to accurately represent what was at the core of Art Lovers Australia, the art and the artists.

It was something I’d wanted to do for a long time. Jarrod and I knew so many phenomenal artists that just weren’t being seen. Traditional galleries, understandably, could only support a limited number of artists and the rest just weren’t getting exposure.
Nancy Donaldson


Brand Design

Thrive created a sophisticated and creative logo for Art Lovers Australia that reflects their love for art through imagination, colours, and forms. It presented a fresh and inspirational aesthetic for attracting and engaging artists that share their same passion and also future buyers.


Website Design

The artwork is the hero, so a clean and modern website was created. This helped to gently transport the viewer to the inspirational places that showcased these works. With a wide online gallery, modern colour palette and the ability to rapidly respond to user interactions, it was the perfect site for users to discover the thousands of original artworks by Australian artists.


Continuing to grow

Since the launch of Art Lovers Australia in 2016, it has continued to grow significantly. There’s now hundreds of artists featured and thousands of artworks on display via the Art Lovers Australia website.

Our online gallery allows us to support a huge number of emerging and mid career artists, and every day we are discovering new talent to share with other Art Lovers.
Nancy Donaldson

The site also showcases new artists, best sellers, popular artists for commissions, exclusive artists, and Art Lovers Prize Artists. Art Lovers Australia have also partnered with some major companies. Grand Design Australia, Channel Nine’s The Block, Channel Seven’s House Rules High Stakes and Home Design Magazine are just a few.


If you’d like to discuss how we can help your business, whether it be branding, web design, or digital marketing fill in our contact form now.
Dean Oakley

Written by Dean Oakley

Dean founded Thrive Digital in 2006 and has worked in the design and development space ever since. He received 1st Class Honours in a Bachelor of IT and oversees all technical aspects of our projects.