Email Signature Generator
Create a custom email signature in seconds, right on your website!
We have built a simple plugin that allows you to easily create email signatures. The plugin comes with several templates for you to choose from – or you can create your own!
What’s included?
- Multiple email signature templates to choose from, coded for use across all email platforms.
- Upload your custom logo
- Fill out your important details like your name, phone number, website, etc
- Choose custom colours to use in your signature
How does it work?
- Choose your layout template (some templates might not display every field).
- Choose your theme colour.
- Choose your signature logo, as well as the logo ratio to help it look the best it can.
- Fill out all the fields with your information. For fields that you don’t want or need, just leave them blank and they won’t show on your signature.
- Choose which social media you want to display.
Now, let’s add it to your Gmail
- First, view the signature in your browser. You must use Chrome.
- Click in the browser window and select all (Cmd + A for Mac or Ctr + A for Windows )
- Copy the signature (Cmd + C for Mac or Ctr + C for Windows)
- Open up your Gmail account
- Click the cog up the top right and select View All Settings
- Scroll down to the signature box at the bottom of the page
- Click inside the signature text box and select all to clear any formatting (Cmd + A for Mac or Ctr + A for Windows ) and paste in your new signature (Cmd + C for Mac or Ctr + C for Windows)
- Save your changes and send yourself a test email!
Wanna give it a go? Download the plugin here and we have a Github repo here
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