How To Explain SEO To A 10-Year Old
Optimising your website makes it easier for people to find your business and the products or services you sell.

What is SEO? How does SEO work? What is SEO in simple terms?
These are all questions business owners ask us.
If you search SEO on the Internet you’ll find pages and pages of definitions. It’s a term that’s thrown around a lot in the marketing world, but it can be quite confronting for people with limited exposure to website design and marketing. So let’s break it down and explain SEO in simple terms.
What Is SEO?
SEO stands for search engine optimisation. Let’s break that down.
A search engine, for example, Google, is something that helps you find information on the Internet. It puts everything you’re looking for into one (very long) list, or as it’s known a ‘search results page’.
The optimisation is the act of making something the best it can be.
SEO is optimising your website for search engines’ With all the information on the Internet, optimising your website makes it easier for people to find your business and the products or services you sell. Everybody wants to be higher on Google’s search results page because it’s easier for customers to find you.
Google & SEO
Google’s job is to uncover and organise information and make it easy to find. Think of Google as a torch that finds things in the dark, and you want to attract this torch light by optimising your website and attracting the attention of Google.
How to optimise your website for search engines?
If you want your business or products to appear high on the search results page there are certain things you need to do to your website. You’ll need to make changes to your website by leaving signs for Google.
So, how do you do this? Here are some great tips:
1. Have Great Quality Content On Your Website
What you write on your business website is very important. If customers were looking for your business on the Internet what words would they use to search? These words are called keywords and will help Google find your business when people search for your product or service.
What you write on your website needs to be easy to understand and engage your readers. The more people who read your information, the more chance you have to get higher on Google’s search results page. This information also needs to be updated regularly to remind Google that your business is there.
2. Making Your Website Easy To Use
When Google is shining its torch around you don’t want it to get lost! By using sub-headings and headings throughout your pages and making your website easy to navigate you will get higher on search results pages. Google also likes it when your website is fast to use and not sluggish.
3. Linking To Your Website
In SEO terms links are signposts people can click on to be redirected to another web page. They send people back to your website and these signposts are essential so Google can find you.
There are 2 types of links you will have on your website:
- Internal links point to a different section of your own website, from inside your website. So technically, people never leave your website to find the information they are looking for.
- External links point to a third-party URL outside of your website. Google likes to put popular businesses high up on their search results page. The more websites that are pointing back to your website, the more popular Google thinks you are and the higher up on the results page you will go.
4. Use HTML
When your website is built it’s important to name each page correctly so Google can find them. It’s just as vital to use what we call ‘meta-data’, which is a way of naming photos so Google will find them and they’ll also come up on Google’s search results page when people are looking for similar products or services to yours.