Hands down our favourite client. We have worked with Boston based photographer Daniel Aaron Sprague for several years and he gave us almost free reign to create an exciting new brand for his epic family oriented photography team. Staying well away from the standard trends in the industry we had a lot of fun creating their pixel art landscapes, icons and family.

Visit Website

Brand Design

Definitely one of the most creative branding designs we’ve had the pleasure of working on. We created custom pixel art illustrations to represent these travelling creatives and incorporated background animations, icon animation and character design to deliver, quirky, fun and engaging out-of-the-box branding.

Website Design

To create a website that best represented the Spragues, we let go of any preconceptions about what a photography website should look like. We took a minimalist approach, concentrating on showcasing their beautiful imagery, alongside custom designed pixel art illustrations and background animations.

"It's like a dream pulled straight from my imagination and actualised in real life!"

Daniel & Kate Sprague

Daniel & Kate Sprague

The Sprague


Let's do this!